Command line examples to submit jobsΒΆ

Generate rib files only from a Guerilla project

In a shell console/command line interpreter

guerilla --nogui --cmd "loaddocument('<file>');render('batch',{RibOnly=true})"

or alternatively:

guerilla --nogui --cmd "loaddocument('<file>');render('ribgen')"

On Windows, use guerillaBatch instead of guerilla, which is the command line version of Guerilla.

For example, on Windows:

guerillaBatch --nogui --cmd "loaddocument('D:/prod/sequence/shot/lighting_02.gproject');render('Coalition')"

or on Linux

guerilla --nogui --cmd "loaddocument('/prod/sequence/shot/lighting_02.gproject');render('Coalition')"

Generate rib files and submit jobs to a farm

In a shell console/command line interpreter

guerilla --nogui --cmd "loaddocument('<file>');render('<farminterface>')"

<file> refers to the Guerilla project to submit, <farminterface> refers to the farm interface to use.